
Friday 10 February 2012

all the better to hear you with, my dear

It would seem that even the ancient Greeks struggled with mindfulness: 'The reason we have two ears and only one mouth, is that we may hear more and speak less' (Zeno, Greek philosopher 335 BC - 264 BC). 

To truly listen seems an impossible task, when instinct directs us to have our story heard. I have learnt this week that it takes just one person to improve a relationship, just one of the two who tango to change the path and open the relationship up to a to a new direction. This is the task I have set myself: I am learning to listen. I will listen to the chattering of my son as he squeezes banana through his fingers and wipes it across his chair. I will listen to my husband who is unwinding after a busy day and informing me of a market analysis I don't understand. I will listen to the taxi driver who is concerned his previous client will lodge a complaint against him for taking the long route.
I will politely decline to listen to my loud and ever constant mind.

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